Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves Outcomes for Diabetics

It is well researched that diabetics can benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a primary treatment for foot wounds, ulcers, and other hard to heal injuries. However, the major complication to diabetics is in cardiovascular disease and coronary events (CE) like sudden heart attacks, strokes, etc. The main contributing factors to this elevated risk are poor glycemic control, elevated inflammatory markers and atherosclerosis. In this study, they monitored these factors in diabetics being treated with HBOT for diabetic foot wounds. With no surprise, all parameters including fasting blood sugar, haemoglobin H1C, CRP, and lipid profiles were statistically significantly improved. The researchers concluded that the application of HBOT caused better glycemic control and had beneficial effects on atherosclerosis. With this, HBOT may be the answer in reducing risk of CE’s and therefore reducing both debilities and mortalities that are commonly observed in the diabetic population <view study>