Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy >

Hyperbaric oxygen improves tissue energy levels — mitochondrial biogenesis

Mitochondria are the powerhouse organelles inside every cell and have a direct relationship between the energy required by the cell and its tissue function, including repair and regeneration. Mitochon... Read More

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome — Remarkable Improvements documented!

An attention-getting report on low pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy was published in the Journal of Pediatrics in 2005. Here, a 15 year old patient with fetal alcohol syndrome completed a short cou... Read More

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may improve symptoms in autistic children

With the growing rise in autism, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is seeing its own rapid growth, particularly in many research facilities. Strong data is now pointing to the potential benefits that this pro... Read More

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an adjunct for for athletes

“The best experience of HBO use as a recovery method from muscular fatigue occurred during the Nagano Winter Olympics with seven participating athletes. After physical activity, the athletes receive... Read More

Hyperbaric oxygen chambers and the treatment of sports injuries

"This review explains the rationale for the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and reports on the initial research in the area of hyperbaric oxygen in sports-induced injury. The initial human and ani... Read More